Becomes a Professional Artist... Limited Enrollment!

Children Art Course

Drawing Course for Children
Painting Course for Children
Moulding Course for Children
Creative Course for Children

Aim of the Course: to learn many techniques whilst enjoying, developing creativity, planning and creating an object during lessons.

Throughout the Course, children will realize objects chosen by their teachers and also of their own liking.

All the creations realized by the small Artists will follow set stages:

1^ stage: Thanks to the learning of the early drawing techniques, children will start creating on paper their chosen object.
Children will carry out drawings which represent the object in all its parts.

2^ stage: Children will learn the techniques for the moulding and emptying of the clay, up to the practical realization of the object made with clay.

3^ stage: During the final stage of the project, Children learn the Painting techniques and how to use Colours, they will paint their object and complete their work.

Like all our students, even the small Artists will have at their disposal the Internet Gallery where they can show their creations.